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How you can help us spread

the word of god

Ways you can Donate:

Our Tithe declaration

Dear Father,


I confess this day, that I have come in to the inheritance, which You swore to give me.


I bring my tithes and offerings to You. You said if I would bring all the tithe into the storehouse so there would be meat in Your house, that I should put You to the test, if you would not open the floodgates of Heaven and pour me out a blessing that I cannot see room enough to receive it.


You said you would rebuke the devourer for my sake, that he would not destroy the fruit of my ground, neither would my vines cast their fruit before its time in the field. You said all nations shall call me blessed for I will be a delight-some land.


I have obeyed Your Word, therefore:

I confess that I am blessed and not cursed.

I confess the windows of heaven are open to me.


I confess the devourer is rebuked for my sake.

I confess that nations will call me blessed.

I expect God’s supernatural increase and favor upon my life.


I call it done in Jesus Name!

In Person

You can donate in person by giving an offering or tithe during one of our services.


You can find us at:


8 - 10 Devonshire Road

Forest Hill


SE23 3TJ


Donations and offerings can be made via PayPal. It's quick and easy and you don't need an account to give. To make a donation please click the button below.


You can also use Paypal to set up regular giving.

Bank Transfer

Donate with a regular standing order or one off donation using our bank details:


Bank: Lloyds Bank


Sort-Code: 30-91-54


Account Number: 00974688



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